A family-friendly, COVID-safe activity millions of years in the making!
For the first time, Dinosaur Drive-Thru, the ultimate traveling dinosaur experience, will be in Arizona, the month of November, at the Wild Horse Pass Motorsports Park. Dinosaur Drive-Thru is a fantastic option for a family friendly, COVID-safe activity consisting of over 60 life-sized, museum-quality and animatronic dinosaurs that will entertain, engage, educate and amaze kids of all ages.
Visitors remain in their vehicles throughout the entire show. Each dinosaur is labeled in chronological order with a very fun and interactive audio tour guide describing all of the interesting facts about each dinosaur that you experience. There is also a free trivia game that is played in each vehicle to keep visitors engaged with the tour. The person in the group with the most correct answers at the end wins a free official Dino Guru certificate! Tickets are $49 per car, which can include up to 8 people.
“We really wanted our visitors to experience the excitement of what it would be like to go on a prehistoric safari. Instead of lions and tigers, it’s T-Rex’s and Raptors!” said owner Troy Diskin. He continues “We have no doubt the kids will love the show, but we really want the adults to feel like kids again too. Seeing all of these incredible life-sized dinosaurs moving around or feeling the vibration in your chest from the roar of a 40-foot-tall T. Rex should do the trick.”
The event will run from Veterans Day (November 11th) through Thanksgiving Weekend (November 29th). With tickets available online at www.dinosaurdrivethru.com