From a young age, you can have your children understand how to use your family's secret “Code Word”. The word is used to signal to you that they feel unsafe, things are not what they expected, or when they sense they are in danger.
Imagine your child is out and is surrounded by questionable peers. They need to find a reason to leave the party immediately without upsetting the people around them. Or imagine your child is leaving school and a distant neighbor or stranger shows up with the car door open letting your child know they are there to pick them up.
A very simple way to avoid these potentially dangerous situations is for your family to have a Code Word. Teach your child to make an excuse to call or text you and during that call use the Code Word for your family. This word means you should immediately go retrieve your child from the party, date or sleepover.
The Code Word also works when someone unexpected shows up to pick them up from school or practice. Before approaching the car they can ask that person for the Code Word. If legit, this person should have been given the Code Word by you as parents when you arranged for the pick up. If the person does not know the word, teach your child to run as fast as they can back into the school or library or other populated and safe place. From there they can call you or be with other people as protection.
The word or phrase can be anything. The name of a movie, a color, imaginary friend or favorite restaurant. It just needs to be something your child can remember to say when feeling stressed. For example: “Hi Mom/Dad, are we having MEATBALL SANDWICHES for dinner?” Meatball Sandwiches is the Code Word and the child can say the sentence without alarming anyone with bad intentions who might be around to hear the call or see the text.
Keeping our loved ones safe and secure is a priority for all families. You probably have first aid kits and fire escape plans and now you can have safety Code Words too!
This article was crafted for you by your MacaroniKID publisher working with Dr. J who has a Ph.D. in Education from the University of Arizona. The inspiration is to help YOU become the best parent you can be!